Stay Healthy!

Posted on Wed March 18, 2020.

Wishing you health and strength during the current crisis.

We at Khaya Hanci know all too well what it means to nurse loved ones that are sick, and despite best efforts, to say farewell to those who succumbed. In 2019, the dreaded African Horse Sickness swept through South Africa and into our herd, resulting in the death of several precious horses. Each life lost was an emotional gut-punch, that somehow steeled us with determination to save the others. That malady, still far from forgotten, has passed. But now, with COVID-19 on the rise, we are asked to turn our attention to our human herd, all the friends of Khaya Hanci across the globe.

In recent days, the South African government has imposed travel restrictions on travellers from Italy, Iran, South Korea, Germany, the United States, United Kingdom and China. Many of you live in these countries and we are aware of just how devastatingly fast this virus has spread among your communities. We are also aware of the social impact brought on by quarantine and curfews. We wish you strength in this time. We also know that some of you may have been planning to visit us, and we will have to wait a little longer before we can spend time together. Rest assured that we will be here for you when this passes.

Considering that you may find yourself confined at home, we would recommend the following:

Stay Positive!

During a crisis, we have a natural tendency to fixate on the news, as we seek information that affects us and our loved ones. Unfortunately, the news is rarely good (at least what gets reported), and we may find ourselves drawn into a maelstrom of despair. Take careful stock of your news habit. If the bulletin you are watching is much the same as the previous (despite the “Breaking News” banner), you can and should take a break for a couple of hours. When you do, make an effort to think positive thoughts and to take positive actions (such as finally organising THAT wardrobe). Yes, we are all mortal and this virus could get us, but while we are alive, let’s LIVE.

Take Care of Nutrition

If you have a normal active life, there is a good chance that you have been skimping on vitamins and minerals, all of which contribute to a robust immune system. Now that you may have a bit of time on your hands (and you just turned off the news), it is a great idea to get into the kitchen and make that salads, bake that muffin, squeeze that lemon - any and all the ways in which you can feed yourself and your family well. Good, nutritious food contributes molecular ammunition for your immune arsenal, but also provides an emotional lift. Avoid “couch food” at all costs - you’re worth more than that!  

Prevent Infection

It has been said many times, but we will say it again: Wash your hands! Sneeze into your elbow! Avoid handshakes! Do whatever you can to avoid the transmission of microbes from yourself to others or from others to you. Live to hug another day.


One of the best immune boosters in the world is simply rest. The side effect of restrictions on movement is that we now have more time for that, so let’s do it well. You can deepen your rest by taking up a hobby, learning to play an instrument or simple meditation. Take long baths (or showers) and wait for your tea to cool. A change towards a natural pace is always what the doctor ordered.

All of us at Khaya Hanci sincerely wish that you remain in the best of health, and that you and your loved ones will be safe. Wherever possible, spend this time together. 


Further Reading

Horse, Stallion, Heart Health
Horses Heal Hearts (Or So It Seems)

A recent study by the University of Arizona, in conjunction with the HeartMath Institute, have uncovered some surprising details about what happens to our hearts when we interact with horses, and the potential benefits to our well-being.

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*Experienced Riders Only

It is true that not everybody will be allowed to ride a member of the Khaya Hanci herd. We are very careful in picking prospective riders - for very good reasons. Read more about our philosophy!

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The Equestrian Effect

We ruminate on the valorous partnerships between humans and horses in history, and how these have shaped our sense of humanity.

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