Kind Words From Carmen

Posted on Wed January 30, 2019.

It is almost a month since I left South Africa. I absolutely miss everything about Khaya Hanci... the horses, the dogs, the people and the whole spirit!
There should be more places in the world like this and I can absolutely recommend this place in every way.
I will definitely come back!!!!

Further Reading

Horse, Stallion, Heart Health
Horses Heal Hearts (Or So It Seems)

A recent study by the University of Arizona, in conjunction with the HeartMath Institute, have uncovered some surprising details about what happens to our hearts when we interact with horses, and the potential benefits to our well-being.

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*Experienced Riders Only

It is true that not everybody will be allowed to ride a member of the Khaya Hanci herd. We are very careful in picking prospective riders - for very good reasons. Read more about our philosophy!

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The Equestrian Effect

We ruminate on the valorous partnerships between humans and horses in history, and how these have shaped our sense of humanity.

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