Horses Heal Hearts (Or So It Seems)
A recent study by the University of Arizona, in conjunction with the HeartMath Institute, have uncovered some surprising details about what happens to our hearts when we interact with horses, and the potential benefits to our well-being.
*Experienced Riders Only
It is true that not everybody will be allowed to ride a member of the Khaya Hanci herd. We are very careful in picking prospective riders - for very good reasons. Read more about our philosophy!
The Equestrian Effect
We ruminate on the valorous partnerships between humans and horses in history, and how these have shaped our sense of humanity.
Location, Location, Location
If you are a white buffalo calf, where would you ideally like to be?
Behold... A White Buffalo Calf
We recently added Khaya Hanci Horse Ranch to our portfolio, only to be presented with a rare white buffalo calf, that we have lovingly named Snowflake. Not only is Snowflake's condition an extreme rarity, but the appearance of such an animal would be regarded as significant in terms of one Native American legend - especially at this time.
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